Hotel Vyšehrad

Price in EUR SGL / DBL
Distance from PCC
5 min walk
(750 m)
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- Name of hotel
- Hotel Vyšehrad
- Category
- ****
- Rooms
- Hotel Vysehrad Praha offers the accommodation in 42 guestrooms. Hotel rooms are equipped with air-conditioning, direct telephone line, satellite TV, mini-bar, the bathrooms have got a bath or a shower, and hair-dryer.
- Check-in Time
- From 14:00
- Check-out Time
- Till 11:00
- Services
- Hotel offers services including 24-hour reception desk, parking, luggagae storage, high-speed Internet access and a possibility of using the hotel computer which is set in the lobby bar.
- Location
- Hotel is situated near Prague Congress Centre and the Vyšehrad Castle just two stops by metro from the famous Wenceslas Square.
- Hotel address
- Marie Cibulkove 29, Prague 4
- How to get to PCC
- Hotel is situated within walking distance of the Prague Congress Centre (5 minutes walk).
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