James Goh
IUPESM Past President
Co-Chair Congress Coordinating Committee
Chair Nominating Committee
Prof James Goh is Emeritus Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore.
Prof Goh is the Immediate Past-President of IUPESM and was President of IFMBE (2015-2018). He is the current President of the Biomedical Engineering Society (Singapore). He is a Fellow of several prestigious fraternities, namely AIMBE, IAMBE, IUPESM, IES and AAET. He is a member of Singapore’s Biomedical and Health Standards Committee and chairs its Technical Committee on Medical Devices. Prof Goh has been actively involved in organizing international conferences and has served on numerous International Advisory Boards and Scientific Committees. He has given numerous invited talks at conferences, published extensively in musculoskeletal research and actively promotes the field of biomedical engineering.