Slavik Tabakov
IUPESM Past Vice President
Chair Rules Committee
Prof Slavik Tabakov, PhD, Dr.h.c., FIPEM, FHEA, FIOMP, FIUPESM is Emeritus President of IUPESM. He was also President of IOMP (2015-2018). He is an active contributor to the international development of medical physics for over 30 years. He was born in Bulgaria and since 1991 works at King’s College Hospital London, UK, where he was the Founding Director of MSc Clinical Sciences (Medical Physics), MSc Clinical Sciences (Clinical Engineering), and MSc Medical Engineering and Physics (2001-2018). He is also Co-Director of the International College on Medical Physics at ICTP, Trieste, Italy. Prof Tabakov has led 7 international projects, which developed the first e-learning in medical physics, the first educational website in the profession, the first Medical Physics Scientific Dictionary (translated to 31 languages) and the first e-Encyclopaedia of Medical Physics (www.emitel2.eu). He is Founding Co-Editor-in-Chief of the IOMP Journal Medical Physics International. He has Chaired the Education and Training Committees of IOMP, IFMBE, IUPESM and has advised the development of 18 MSc courses in various countries. He led the arrangements of the legal status of IOMP and IUPESM and the formation of their Fellowships. Among his awards are King’s College London Teaching Excellence Award, EU Leonardo Da Vinci Award for Education; Honorary membership of the Indian AMPI; Doctor Honoris Causa of Medical University Plovdiv; IOMP Harold Johns Medal for Excellence in Teaching and International Education Leadership.