"The principal objective of IUPESM is to contribute to the advancement of physical and engineering sciences in medicine for the benefit and well being of humanity."
What is the IUPESM and what does it do?
The IUPESM represents the combined efforts of more than 150,000 medical physicists and biomedical engineers working on the physical and engineering science of medicine. The methods used by the IUPESM to achieve its purpose include but are not limited to the following:
- Organizing and coordinating the triennial "World Congress for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering".
- Organizing and/or coordinating international meetings or conferences for the IUPESM constituent organizations.
- Representing the interests of IUPESM members in the International Council for Science.
- Collaborating with other international scientific, professional and medical organizations with common interests.
- Establishing committees, commissions, working groups and other bodies for purposes within its mandate.
- Publishing scientific journals, newsletters, books and electronic documents to enhance progress.
- Disseminating, promoting and/or developing standards of practice in the fields of medical physics and biomedical engineering to enhance the quality of health care worldwide.
The goals, methods and organization to achieve them are laid out in detail in the IUPESM Statutes and Bylaws.