IUPESM BYLAWS (how it functions)
a. An Ordinary Session of the General Assembly is normally held every three years, at the place of and during the World Congress.
b. The Secretary-General shall inform Members at least six months in advance of the date and location of the General Assembly.
c. Each Constituent Organization shall have the right to appoint 100 voting delegates, to attend the General Assembly and vote.
d. Each member of the Council shall be a delegate to the General Assembly and have one vote.
e. Constituent Organizations may designate alternates to normal delegates.
f. Affiliate members are entitled to attend General Assembly meetings with observer status.
g. Attendance at a General Assembly is open to all members of Constituent Organizations and representatives of Affiliate Members
h. Extra-ordinary meetings of the General Assembly may be convened by petition to Council of one of the Constituent Organizations.
i. The President of the IUPESM shall be Chairperson of the General Assembly. In case the President is not able to perform this duty for certain General Assembly meeting, the position is taken by the Vice-President. If the Vice-President is unable to carry out the task, the Council will appoint a suitable candidate within the Council.
j. The Secretary-General of the IUPESM shall be Secretary of the General Assembly. In case the Secretary General is not able to perform this duty, the position will be taken by the Treasurer. If the Treasurer is unable to carry out the task, the Council will appoint a suitable candidate within the Council.
k. It is the responsibility of the Members to provide, to the office of the IUPESM Secretariats an updated list of their delegates.
a. Voting delegates to the General Assembly shall be the delegates from the Constituent Organizations; and all Council members, with no individual having more than one vote.
b. All issues, except amendments to the Statutes and proposals for expulsion, shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the delegates in attendance at a General Assembly Meeting (provided that a quorum is achieved) or sixty percent (60%) of those responding to a mail ballot or electronic ballot.
c. For all decisions a quorum must be achieved. A quorum at the General Assembly shall be one-third of all eligible voting delegates. If decisions have to be made by postal ballot, or electronic ballot, a quorum shall consist of one-half of all eligible voting delegates.
3.1 The Officers of the IUPESM are:
- The President
- The Vice-President
- The Secretary-General
- The Treasurer
- The Past-President
- The Past Vice-President
3.2 In exceptional circumstances the office of the Treasurer may be held temporary by the Secretary-General.
3.3 The President shall be the Chairperson of all meetings of the General Assembly, and the Council. He or she shall be responsible for the implementation of the policy of IUPESM.
3.4 The Secretary-General shall be responsible for all matters concerning the administration of IUPESM and, in particular, for the conduct of correspondence, the preparation and distribution of publications and the safe keeping of the archives of IUPESM.
- He or she shall prepare the Annual Report of the IUPESM for distribution to all members.
- The Secretary General may be assisted by such staff as may be approved by the Council. The salary and terms of appointment shall be approved by the Council.
3.5 The Treasurer shall be responsible for the finances of IUPESM, in accordance with the directives of the Council.
- He or she shall be responsible for the preparation of the Annual Budget of the IUPESM
- He or she shall submit annually to the Council and to the members of IUPESM, an audited statement of accounts.
3.6 The Vice-President shall be Chairperson of the Awards and Honours Committee
3.7 The Past-President shall be Chairperson of the Nominating Committee.
3.8 The Past Vice-President shall be the Chairperson of the Rules Committee.
3.9 With the approval of the Council, responsibility for a particular duty normally discharged by an Officer of the IUPESM may be delegated to another person approved by the Council.
The Terms of Office for Officers and Ordinary Members of Council, where succession is not automatic, shall normally be for the period between General Assembly meetings during World Congress, with renewal for elected Ordinary Members by General Assembly vote, for a maximum of one extra period.
4.1 The President shall be the retiring President of one of the Constituent Organizations, and the Vice-President shall be the retiring President of another of the Constituent Organizations, these offices to be alternated between the organizations to give equal representation. They shall be designated one term prior to assuming offices, such recommendation to be the responsibility of the Nominating Committee.
- Where circumstances make the alternate appointment of President or Vice-President impossible, the Nominating Committee shall be empowered by Council to nominate a candidate for election.
4.2 The offices of Secretary-General and Treasurer shall alternate between the Constituent Organizations in a manner parallel to those of President and Vice-President
- The incumbent Secretary-General or Treasurer may, however, be re-elected to their respective offices, by the General Assembly, for up to two terms, provided the balance of the Constituent Organisations’ representation is kept.
4.3 If the President or Vice-President are unable to fulfil their duties, their duties shall be taken by the respective Past-President or Past Vice-President from the same Constituent Organisation. If no one can fulfil these duties, the Council shall decide who is to undertake these positions from the same Constituent Organisation.
4.4 The Council shall also decide who shall undertake the duties of any other Officers if they are unable to discharge such duties.
4.5 Ordinary Members of Council:
4.5.1 Ordinary Members of Council shall be the current Presidents, Vice-Presidents and Secretaries-General of the Constituent Organizations (if not already Officers as in By-Laws 4.1 and 4.2)
plus four (4) Ordinary Members elected by the General Assembly, with due consideration to a balance among the Constituent Organizations.
5.1 Election of Officers and Ordinary Members of Council shall be from a slate prepared by the Nominating Committee in accordance with bylaws 4 and 5.
5.2 Council shall appoint a Nominating Committee and Chairperson immediately after each General Assembly meeting during the World Congress, or respective online/hybrid meeting of the General Assembly.
5.3 The Nominating Committee shall nominate one candidate for each of the Offices of President and Vice-President in accordance with bylaw 4.1.
5.4 The Nominating Committee shall nominate one candidate for each of the Offices of Secretary-General and Treasurer, based on the nominations from the respective Constituent Organisations, in accordance with bylaws 3.2 and 4.2.
5.5 For the four elected Ordinary Members of Council, the Secretary-General shall solicit names of candidates from the Constituent Organizations six months before the meeting of General Assembly.
5.6 The Nominating Committee shall nominate at least one candidate for each position in the Council from the list of names resulting from the application of bylaw 5.5 and in accordance with bylaw 4.5.1. In addition, each Constituent Organization has the right to nominate one candidate.
5.7 The Nominating Committee shall conduct the election procedure, and shall have the authority to recruit assistants where required. Scrutineers, appointed by the Nominating Committee Chairperson, shall check the voting credentials of delegates and supervise the balloting procedure
6.1 Meetings of the Council shall be convened by decision of the President
6.2 Council shall be responsible for:
- the preparation of a budget for IUPESM
- recommending the scale of annual dues to be paid by Members of IUPESM, for ratification by the General Assembly
- the appointment and support of Ad hoc Committees or Working Groups with specific terms of reference.
- the preparation of the Agenda for the General Assembly
6.3 On receipt of applications for membership the Council shall recommend action to the General Assembly,
6.4 In between sessions of the General Assembly, formal action may be taken by the Council by mail ballot or electronic ballot to the delegates as specified in bylaw 2.
7.1 The Standing Committees of the IUPESM are:
- The Congress Coordinating Committee: The duties of the Congress Coordinating Committee are:
- to coordinate all activities relating to the selection of prospective sites for the World Congress,
- development of site-selection criteria,
- solicitation of site proposals
- preliminary review of proposals and coordination of presentations to the governing bodies of the Constituent Organizations,
- coordinating of the balloting procedures,
- preparation of Contracts.
- monitoring of the progress of local Congress Organizing Committees, and liaison with them.
- The Nominating Committee: the duties of the Nominating Committee are outlined in bylaw 5.
- Membership of the Nominating Committee should reflect a fair representation of the various membership groups in the IUPESM.
- The Awards and Honours Committee: the duties of the Awards and Honours Committee are to administer all awards and honours programs of the IUPESM, including the Awards of Merit.
- Membership of the Awards and Honours Committee shall consist of the Vice- President of the IUPESM (who shall be the Chairperson) plus two representatives from each of the Constituent Organizations.
- Each Committee member shall have one vote, except for the Chairperson who shall vote only in the event of a tie.
- The Rules Committee: the duties of the Rules Committee are to regularly review the Statutes, Bylaws and relevant policies and procedures of the IUPESM and to make recommendations for changes to meet the good governance of the Organisation.
- Membership of the Rules Committee shall consist of the Past Vice-President of the IUPESM, who shall be the Chairman, plus two representatives from each of the Constituent Organizations.
- All other standing committees and working groups can be formed with recommendation from the Council and approval of the General Assembly. Active IUPESM Committees and Work Groups will be listed at the IUPESM Web site
- Each Standing Committee should have its own Charter approved by the Council.
7.2 The Ad Hoc Committees of IUPESM:
These Committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of Council, as required.
7.3. All Past Presidents and Past Vice-Presidents shall be named Emeritus Presidents and shall form an Advisory Board to the IUPESM AC (without voting rights), to be called for advice when necessary
7.4 IUPESM may from time to time establish its own official publications either in print or electronic versions (such as journals, magazines, newsletter etc), or endorsed relevant international peer-reviewed journals.
8.1 Each Constituent Organization shall pay annual dues to the IUPESM which shall be recommended by Council acting in conjunction with the Officers of each Organization and approved by the General Assembly.
8.2 Each Affiliate Member of IUPESM shall pay annual dues which shall be recommended by Council and approved by the General Assembly.
8.3 The dues structure shall be reviewed by Council triennially.
8.4 In the event of resignation or cancellation of membership, the Member concerned is liable to pay any dues owed including those for the current calendar year. Any Member that ceases to belong to IUPESM forfeits all rights to the assets of IUPESM from the moment of ceasing to be a Member.
8.5 On request, and with approval of the Council, IUPESM may reimburse the expenses of members of Council, Standing Committees or Ad Hoc Committees occurred when discharging their duties.
9.1 Amendment of any Bylaw shall require a majority vote (in person, or electronic vote) of all appointed delegates of the General Assembly.
10.1 The General Assembly of the IUPESM Organization has formed a legal body to support its activities - an IUPESM Company, which has the same objectives as the IUPESM Organization. Among the main roles of the company is: to provide legal representation of the IUPESM Organization; to raise funds for the activities of the IUPESM Organization; to make decisions relating to the business of the IUPESM Organization and to manage the financial accounts.
10.2 The members of the IUPESM Company consist of the IUPESM Organization's elected officers. The members of the IUPESM Company represent the interests and fulfil the objectives of the IUPESM Organization's General Assembly. These members change as per the Articles of Association of the IUPESM Company, normally at each World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, in parallel with IUPESM Organization change of Council.
10.3 The IUPESM Company (limited by guarantee) is registered in the United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK), with office at the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine (IPEM) office in the UK. The IUPESM Company is governed by its Articles of Association. The income and property of the IUPESM Company are to be applied solely towards the promotion of the objectives of the IUPESM.
Prepared by IUPESM Rules Com and discussed and approved by Council and the Constituent Organisations
Approved by General Assembly (mailballoted) on 23 December 2021, applied from 1 Jan 2022
Published by the International Union for Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine
Rules Committee email: slavik.tabakov@emerald2.co.uk